Parish Survey: Help Shape the Future of St. Ignatius

Sep 24, 2021

Fellow parishioners:

As you may know, the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola has this year begun a process to set a new strategic vision for our parish community. The input of all our parishioners is especially important to that process. To that end, the parish’s Parish Planning Committee has designed a brief survey to gather your thoughts on priorities for the parish and your assessment of our current direction.

If you have a completed survey, please give it to a Member of the Hospitality Ministry or leave it in the Parish House. If you did not yet receive one, please pick one up after Mass and return it next weekend or drop it off at the Parish House during the week. Every member of your household is asked to complete one. The survey can also be accessed online at: We value your opinions and are grateful for your time.

– Parish Planning Committee