The love of Christ impels us to welcome all,
to worship joyfully and pray fervently,
to walk together with those in need,
and to reverence God in the wonder of Creation.
Mission and Values
Rooted in our Catholic faith and values, and also, as a Jesuit Parish, we practice the art of Ignatian Spirituality–a spirituality for everyday life. It shows us how God is present in our world and active in our lives. It is a pathway to a deeper journey in prayer, good decisions guided by keen discernment, and an active life of service to others.
This deeper journey in prayer leads to a strengthened personal love for Jesus and discernment of finding God in all things. Ignatian spirituality calls us to focus on the stirrings in our heart, the use of imagination in prayer, the discernment and interpretation of feelings, and the cultivation of great desires and generous service.
Moved by our intimacy with Jesus, we are called to serve others in our Church, in our neighborhood, in our nation, and in the world. Pedro Arrupe, a former General Superior of the Jesuits, calls those formed in Ignatian Spirituality “men and women for others.” It is a call to service with a deep commitment to social justice and a radical giving of oneself to others.
It is in and through our community of faith that we receive the graces needed to persevere and grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is through Ignatian Spirituality that we are woven into a tapestry of “contemplatives in action.”

Our Apostolic Priorities as a Jesuit Apostolate
The worldwide Society of Jesus, whose members are Jesuits, has identified four vital areas of apostolic endeavor for the current decade ending in 2029. They are:
- SHOW THE WAY TO GOD through the Spiritual Exercises and discernment.
- WALK WITH THE EXCLUDED—the poor, the outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated—in a mission of reconciliation and justice.
- JOURNEY WITH YOUTH by accompanying young people in creating a hope-filled future.
- CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME by collaborating for environmental protection and renewal of the Earth, God’s Creation.
“With these universal apostolic preferences, we resolve to concentrate our vital energies during the next 10 years, 2019-2029.” — Father General Arturo Sosa, S.J., February 19, 2019