The Parish Council

About the Parish Council

Established at the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola in 2021, the Parish Council is composed of eight parishioners, Associate Pastor Fr. Michael Hilbert, S.J., with Fr. Dennis Yesalonia, Pastor, presiding.

A parish council is, per Canon 536 #1, "composed of members of the congregation together with those of the parish staff who have pastoral care by reason of their office. The Pastoral Council assists in promoting pastoral action in the parish."

Parish Council Members

Rev. Dennis J. Yesalonia, S.J.
Paul Capetillo
Laura de Boisblanc
Antonio del Rosario
Rev. Michael Hilbert, S.J.
Kenn Kern
Marguerite Lucarelli
John Mancuso
Letty Moss-Salentijn
Sabrina Ng

Parish Council Minutes


December 11, 2024: Minutes

November 20, 2024: Minutes

September 11, 2024: Minutes


June 12, 2024: Minutes

May 15, 2024: Minutes

February 7, 2024: Minutes

January 10, 2024: Minutes

December 13, 2023: Minutes

November 8, 2023: Minutes

October 18, 2023: Minutes

September 13, 2023: Minutes


June 14, 2023: Minutes

May 10, 2023: Minutes

March 8, 2023: Minutes

February 8, 2023: Minutes

January 11, 2023: Minutes

December 14, 2022: Minutes

October 12, 2022: Minutes

September 14, 2022: Minutes