Bread-Making and Faith-Sharing

Wallace Hall 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join the Ignatian Interfaith Ministry as we share in an interfaith community building, bread-baking activity during which we will share our sacred stories of where we have found meaning in our lives that refresh our souls. Rabbi Joel Mosbacher of Temple Shaaray Tefila will be leading us in a 90-minute program. During this time, we […]

Hour Children Donation Truck

Church 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

The Hour Children truck will be at St. Ignatius on Sunday, June 11th, from 9 AM to 12:30 PM to accept donations of the following items—all must be clean and in good condition: Clothing – new or gently used in good condition, clean, with no stains, tears, etc. Kitchen appliances in good working condition Cookware, dishes, and […]


Tuesday Night Book Group: Proclaiming the Power of Christ by Bishop Robert Barron


Join the Tuesday Night Book Group as we read and discuss Bishop Barron’s poetic expounding of the Word of God in Proclaiming the Power of Christ: Classic Sermons, allowing sacred Scripture to draw us into deeper intimacy with God as Barron’s lyrical and thoughtful reflections provoke and encourage us to explore more profoundly our own personal relationship with […]

Tuesday Night Book Group | Saturday Midday Retreat: Talk on Saint Faustina Kowalska

Join the Tuesday Night Book Group on a Saturday Midday Retreat in Manhattan to hear a one-hour talk on Saint Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938). This "Secretary of Mercy" received a message of Divine Mercy from the Lord Jesus that has continued to transform lives, from Saint John Paul II (which will be emphasized in the talk) to our own day. At […]

Tuesday Night Book Group | Saturday Midday Retreat: Talk on Saint Padre Pio

Join members of the Tuesday Night Book Group on a Saturday Midday Retreat in Manhattan to hear a one-hour talk on Saint Padre Pio (1887-1968), the Italian Franciscan Capuchin friar, priest, and mystic famous for his balance of compassion and "tough love," and for his insistence on hope-filled prayer, passionate love of the Eucharist, and devoted hearing of Confessions for many hours […]

City Relief Summer Garden Reception

St. Ignatius Community, 53 East 83rd Street 53 East 83rd Street, New York, NY, United States

Join City Relief to help end homelessness, learn about their mission, engage with like-minded partners, and enjoy summer refreshments. The occasion will feature remarks by our parish's Ignatian Social Justice Ministry and the CEO of City Relief, Josiah Haken. Furthermore, an engaging discussion will take place, providing an opportunity for meaningful dialogue. City Relief wishes […]