Saint Thérèse: The Musical

Church 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Featuring Michel Pascal and Luciann Berrios After 1,000 performances worldwide—including its creation at the Carmel in Paris and shows at Notre-Dame de Paris, the Basilica of Lisieux, Lourdes, Jerusalem, Dubai, Montreal, and Singapore—St. Thérèse: The Musical by Michel Pascal will be performed at St. Ignatius on Sunday, January 19th.

Martin Luther King, Jr., Day Mass and Parish House Schedule

Parish House 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

On Monday, January 20th, the Parish House will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day. One Daily Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 AM. There will be no 12:10 PM or 5:30 PM Masses.


SVdP Meeting

Parish House 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been an active ministry at St. Ignatius Loyola since 1865. SVdP has continued serving our neighbors in need through several wars, the Great Depression, and the September 11th attacks. Our meetings begin with a prayer and spiritual reflection, followed by an agenda of items geared toward service […]

Visit the Mother Cabrini Shrine

701 Fort Washington Avenue The LGBT Catholics & Friends Ministry invites you to join them for what promises to be an enlightening, fun, and spiritual visit to the shrine. Featuring: One-hour docent talk One-hour private meditation/visit One-hour lunch Entry fee: $8 per person To register, click here.

Ranger Rosary

Gonzaga Meeting Room 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Ranger Rosary serves deployed members of our Armed Services. We make rosaries by hand and since August 2009, our group has made over 23,000 rosaries for servicewomen and servicemen. Supplies and instructions are provided. Please contact Marilyn Esposito at if you are interested. Note: Proof of vaccination is required to attend. Please email […]

Lectures at St. Ignatius: The Risk of Hope

Wallace Hall 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Presenter Fr. Sam Sawyer, S.J. Editor in Chief, America Magazine Hope calls us to more than just optimism about things turning out well. When we take hope seriously, we are also called to take responsibility for what we hope for.