LGBT Catholics & Friends


We are a group of LGBT parishioners and family and friends (and parents) of LGBT persons. We are a parish ministry of, by, and for our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender sisters and brothers in Christ and those who love and support them. Our ministry extends to, and embraces, the mission of the entire parish, […]

Tuesday Night Book Group: Saturday Midday Field Trip

Join the Tuesday Night Book Group on a Saturday Midday Field Trip to hear a one-hour talk on William of St. Thierry (1085-1148), who was the best friend of St. Bernard of Clairvaux and is the most quoted author in Statutes of the Carthusian Order. He wrote much on contemplation and love and will help us do what he so aspired to: “May […]

Our Parish, Our Home Festival Mass

Church 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join us as our 11 AM Solemn Mass and 11 AM Wallace Hall Family Mass communities gather together to celebrate the Our Parish, Our Home Festival Mass. We will unite as one parish family, renewing our parish mission to welcome all and to worship joyfully.

War and Peace Discussion Group: The Christmas Truce of 1914

Parish Lounge

The Christmas truce was a temporary ceasefire along the Western Front of World War I, occurring five months after hostilities had begun, around Christmas 1914. To view a clip featuring a dramatic reenactment of this event (from the film “Joyeux Noel”), click here.

Lay Ministers’ Enrichment Ministry Day of Reflection | Spring 2023

Wallace Hall 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

You are invited to join the St. Ignatius Lay Ministers' Enrichment Ministry for a day of personal and group reflection led by Fr. Walter Modrys, S.J. Doors open at 8:15 AM for registration and breakfast. The day's activities will comprise two presentations by Father Modrys, each followed by time for personal reflection and group faith-sharing. […]