St. Luke’s Call Team

Gonzaga Meeting Room 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Are you a doctor, nurse, physical therapist, pharmacist, or other healthcare worker looking for a community? Then, we invite you to join our community of prayer, discussion, and faith sharing. For more information, please reach out to Fr. Hilbert at [email protected] or call the Parish House.


Tuesday Night Book Group: Proclaiming the Power of Christ by Bishop Robert Barron


Join the Tuesday Night Book Group as we read and discuss Bishop Barron’s poetic expounding of the Word of God in Proclaiming the Power of Christ: Classic Sermons, allowing sacred Scripture to draw us into deeper intimacy with God as Barron’s lyrical and thoughtful reflections provoke and encourage us to explore more profoundly our own personal relationship with […]

Book Launch: Just Church

Wallace Hall 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Just Church Tuesday, May 16th at 7 PM Wallace Hall Speaker: Dr. Phyllis Zagano Phyllis Zagano is an internationally acclaimed Catholic scholar and lecturer on contemporary spirituality and women's issues in the church. Pope Francis appointed her to the Papal Commission for the Study of Women in the Diaconate, which convened in Rome in 2016. […]


Scripture Course: Women of the Hebrew Scriptures


Four Wednesdays, beginning May 3rd Women play pivotal roles in the story of salvation, cooperating with God's plans at key moments to further God's work of redemption. Our class meetings will explore the extraordinary stories of Rebecca, Ruth, Esther, and others. Brian B. Pinter, Pastoral Associate, will present. To RSVP, email [email protected].


LGBT Catholics & Friends

Parish House 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

We are a group of LGBT parishioners and family and friends (and parents) of LGBT persons. We are a parish ministry of, by, and for our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender sisters and brothers in Christ and those who love and support them. Our ministry extends to, and embraces, the mission of the entire parish, […]

Lecture: Quiet Prophecy – Another Kind of Protest for Social and Religious Transformation

Wallace Hall 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Speaker: Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI Scripture tells us that, as he grew, John the Baptist “grew strong in spirit.” What if you are the type of person who is “accommodating in spirit”? What if you are not the type of person who can openly protest things and openly challenge others? What are your prophetic gifts? […]