From the Pastor: February 26, 2023
Dear Parishioners,
Let’s get back to basics.
It is time for us to refresh our understanding of matters of faith and religion. There is a growing trend in the universal church that people in the pews are increasingly “religion illiterate,” that many Catholics have either forgotten or never learned the fundamental concepts of Catholicism, of why we do what we do and the significance of what we do. Sometimes habit dims our understanding of why, for example, we attend Mass, receive Holy Communion, are baptized, engage in devotional practices, and so on.
Beginning on Wednesday, 19 April, the priests of the parish will offer an opportunity to learn more about what it means to be Catholic. Back to Basics will be presented on four consecutive Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Carlos Cuartas Parish Lounge. The four topic areas that will be covered are:
- Faith and Religion 101. An overview of faith and how it is manifested in religion. Fr. Yesalonia (19 April)
- Catholicism 101. What distinguishes Catholicism from other religions. Fr. Casciotti (26 April)
- Ignatian Spirituality 101. Fundamental principles. The Examen. Discernment. The meaning and significance of AMDG. Fr. Hilbert (3 May)
- The Liturgy of the Mass 101. Each part of the Mass will be explained, along with its accompanying prayers. Fr. Hallinan (10 May)
There is no need to worry. There will be no quizzes or exams. The goal is to learn more about (or re-learn!) what we believe as Catholics and how we manifest that by the ways we pray and worship. Registration is required. To register, click here.
God bless you!
Sincerely in the Lord,
Fr. Yesalonia