Bread-Making and Faith-Sharing

Wallace Hall 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join the Ignatian Interfaith Ministry as we share in an interfaith community building, bread-baking activity during which we will share our sacred stories of where we have found meaning in our lives that refresh our souls. Rabbi Joel Mosbacher of Temple Shaaray Tefila will be leading us in a 90-minute program. During this time, we […]

Finding Your Inner Peace: Lessons from Zen (Soto) Buddhism

Wallace Hall 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Join the Ignatian Interfaith Ministry as Hajime Issan Koyama, a Buddhist priest and disciple of Shōhaku Okumura Rōshi, enlightens us on Buddhism and what it can teach us. A reception will follow in Wallace Hall. To register, complete the form below.   About the Speaker Rev. Issan Koyama is a Buddhist priest and disciple of […]


The Mary Project

Wallace Hall & Zoom

Join the Ignatian Interfaith Ministry as they partner with our Muslim friends from the Peace Islands Institute to embark on an in-depth exploration of Mary in both faith traditions. Sessions: - Wednesday, November 29th, 7 PM to 8:30 PM (Zoom) - Wednesday, January 10th, 7 PM to 8:30 PM (Zoom) - Thursday, February 8th, 7 […]


The Mary Project

Wallace Hall & Zoom

Join the Ignatian Interfaith Ministry as they partner with our Muslim friends from the Peace Islands Institute to embark on an in-depth exploration of Mary in both faith traditions. Sessions: - Wednesday, November 29th, 7 PM to 8:30 PM (Zoom) - Wednesday, January 10th, 7 PM to 8:30 PM (Zoom) - Thursday, February 8th, 7 […]


The Mary Project

Wallace Hall & Zoom

Join the Ignatian Interfaith Ministry as they partner with our Muslim friends from the Peace Islands Institute to embark on an in-depth exploration of Mary in both faith traditions. Sessions: - Wednesday, November 29th, 7 PM to 8:30 PM (Zoom) - Wednesday, January 10th, 7 PM to 8:30 PM (Zoom) - Thursday, February 8th, 7 […]

Ignatian Interfaith Ministry Planning Meeting

Parish House 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Interested in getting more involved in the Ignatian Interfaith Ministry, including our upcoming Iftar celebration? Join us for a planning meeting to discuss and meet new friends! To RSVP, email [email protected].