“A Good Death” Series – Creating an Ethical Will

Zoom & Parish House

Ethical wills are an age-old way to impart values, guidance, and stories to family and loved ones. While a legal will distributes your material assets, an ethical will imparts intangible riches—the wealth of your wisdom. Our presentation and discussion will explore basic questions, considerations, and themes of ethical wills and how to write your own. […]


Advent Bible Study | The Ox and Lamb Kept Time: A Spirituality of Animal Companions

Zoom & Parish House

Animals have long been associated with the Christmas creche. Moreover, non-human creatures play significant roles in key stories of salvation history. Our presentations and discussions will explore biblical, theological and spiritual perspectives on our animal companions. Brian B. Pinter, Pastoral Associate, will present. To register, email [email protected].


Advent Bible Study | The Ox and Lamb Kept Time: A Spirituality of Animal Companions

Zoom & Parish House

Animals have long been associated with the Christmas creche. Moreover, non-human creatures play significant roles in key stories of salvation history. Our presentations and discussions will explore biblical, theological and spiritual perspectives on our animal companions. Brian B. Pinter, Pastoral Associate, will present. To register, email [email protected].


Advent Bible Study | The Ox and Lamb Kept Time: A Spirituality of Animal Companions

Zoom & Parish House

Animals have long been associated with the Christmas creche. Moreover, non-human creatures play significant roles in key stories of salvation history. Our presentations and discussions will explore biblical, theological and spiritual perspectives on our animal companions. Brian B. Pinter, Pastoral Associate, will present. To register, email [email protected].

A Good Death

Zoom & Parish House

Facing death with our “house in order” is the final gift and blessing we can give to our loved ones and heirs. Our presentation and discussion will explore end-of-life questions including how we can take steps toward downsizing and simplifying funeral/burial planning, and spiritual reflections on dying well. Brian B. Pinter, Pastoral Associate, will present. […]

Scripture Class | When Bad Things Happen to Good People: The Book of Job

Zoom & Parish House

Four Tuesdays, beginning September 17th at 7 PM Parish House & Zoom The book of Job ponders essential, timeless questions such as why do the righteous suffer? Is suffering a punishment for sin? How should humans respond to suffering? Is there a place for questioning or defying God? Is it possible to understand the plans […]