Backpack Drive
Parish House 980 Park Avenue, New YorkThrough Sunday, August 18th The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is sponsoring a Backpack Drive to provide backpacks and school supplies to students at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish […]
Through Sunday, August 18th The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is sponsoring a Backpack Drive to provide backpacks and school supplies to students at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish […]
Masses at 8:30 AM & 5:30 PM We will observe his feast at all Masses on this day with prayers from the Mass of St. Ignatius.
Through Saturday, August 24th This summer, the Tuesday Night Book Group will discuss the 12-week Manresa Ignatian Retreat being offered free online through Boston College, which runs through Saturday, August 24th. Participants will review the […]