SVdP Meeting
Parish House 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United StatesThe Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been an active ministry at St. Ignatius Loyola since 1865. SVdP has continued serving our neighbors in need through several wars, the […]
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been an active ministry at St. Ignatius Loyola since 1865. SVdP has continued serving our neighbors in need through several wars, the […]
We are a group of LGBT parishioners and family and friends (and parents) of LGBT persons. We are a parish ministry of, by, and for our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and […]
Jeffry Odell Korgen is a writer and social ministry consultant who works with several social ministry organizations including Catholic Relief Services, the Dorothy Day Guild of the Archdiocese of New […]
Wednesdays at 7 PM on Zoom, from February 26th to April 9th A retreat in daily life Would you like more hope, prayer and community in your life? Do you […]
Join the War & Peace Discussion Group as they look more closely at Liberation Theology.
A six-session support group for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. The sessions, both educational and supportive, are led by experienced facilitators. Registration is required. To register, email […]