Roundtable Discussion on Loneliness

Parish Lounge

Sponsored by the Parish Council Let's come together for a roundtable discussion on the issue of loneliness and how it affects our lives and those of our loved ones, regardless of age. […]


Parish House 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been an active ministry at Saint Ignatius Loyola since 1865. SVdP has continued serving our neighbors in need through several wars, the […]


The Mary Project

Wallace Hall & Zoom

Join the Ignatian Interfaith Ministry as they partner with our Muslim friends from the Peace Islands Institute to embark on an in-depth exploration of Mary in both faith traditions. Sessions: […]

Meeting Christ in Prayer: Holy Listening


Wednesday, November 29th to Wednesday, December 20th If you treasured the faith-sharing experiences of Meeting Christ in Prayer and long for new opportunities for spiritual conversation, we invite you to continue […]