In Ignatian Spirituality, the Magis which is described as the “more,” goes beyond the ordinary parish life offerings. Jesuits refer to the Magis as a way that is “conducive to the greater service of God and the universal good.” These ministries bring one into a deeper faith and therefore a deeper conversation with God. Through this deepening spiritual relationship, one is compelled to continue giving to others in faith and service.
Centering Prayer
St. Ignatius Loyola hosts a Centering Prayer group that offers an opportunity to learn and practice this form of prayer. This group meets every Monday at 6:30 PM (except in July and August) in the Parish House. Beginners as well as advanced practitioners are welcome.
Learn MoreIgnatian Volunteer Corps
The Ignatian Volunteer Corps provides semi-retired and retired adults age 50 and over with the opportunity to volunteer two days a week from mid-September through mid-June.
Learn MoreLay Ministers’ Enrichment
LME is a ministry that organizes days of spiritual enrichment for the entire parish community. LME programs offer parishioners and guests time to pray together, learn together, get to know each other, and deepen the faith of the parish community.
Learn MoreMinistry of Care to the Sick and Homebound
The face of each person who suffers is a face of Christ. One of the deepest causes of suffering experienced by those whom sickness or aging afflicts is a sense of isolation from the faith community. Because we are members of the Body of Christ, it is Christ who is present to us in our suffering, particularly through our Ministers of Care.
Learn MoreRetreats
In 1521 Ignatius was gravely wounded in a battle with the French. While recuperating, Ignatius Loyola experienced a conversion. Reading the lives of Jesus and the saints made Ignatius happy and aroused desires to do great things. Ignatius realized that these feelings were clues to God’s direction for him.
Learn MoreSelf-Help Groups
St. Ignatius Loyola has hosted many twelve-step programs weekly. Below is a listing of groups that we are currently hosting.
Learn MoreSpiritual Direction
As a Jesuit Parish, St, Ignatius Loyola offers the Ministry of Individual Spiritual Direction to those wishing to deepen their relationship with God and their experience of prayer.
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