Visit the Mother Cabrini Shrine
701 Fort Washington Avenue The LGBT Catholics & Friends Ministry invites you to join them for what promises to be an enlightening, fun, and spiritual visit to the shrine. Featuring: […]
701 Fort Washington Avenue The LGBT Catholics & Friends Ministry invites you to join them for what promises to be an enlightening, fun, and spiritual visit to the shrine. Featuring: […]
Ranger Rosary serves deployed members of our Armed Services. We make rosaries by hand and since August 2009, our group has made over 23,000 rosaries for servicewomen and servicemen. Supplies […]
Presenter Fr. Sam Sawyer, S.J. Editor in Chief, America Magazine Hope calls us to more than just optimism about things turning out well. When we take hope seriously, we are […]
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been an active ministry at St. Ignatius Loyola since 1865. SVdP has continued serving our neighbors in need through several wars, the […]
Ethical wills are an age-old way to impart values, guidance, and stories to family and loved ones. While a legal will distributes your material assets, an ethical will imparts intangible […]
PRESENTER Ann Harris-Jacobs Ann Harris-Jacobs is a retired educator, active spiritual director, and member of the music ministry at St. Francis Xavier Church. She will offer two talks intended to […]