Meeting Christ in Prayer Information

Parish Lounge

If you are interested in joining Meeting Christ in Prayer (MCIP) but would like to know more, MCIP is hosting an in-person information session. The basics of the retreat will be covered, and you will also have the opportunity to meet several people who have made the retreat and ask questions informally.

Concert: Choir of Merton College, Oxford

Church & Livestreamed 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

The Choir of Merton College includes music by William Byrd and Henry Purcell alongside music especially written for the choir by Judith Weir. The concert marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vaughan Williams with the inclusion of movements from the Mass in G minor and works by David Lang and Nico Muhly complete the program.

Tuesday Night Book Group: Saturday Midday Field Trip

Join the Tuesday Night Book Group to hear a one-hour talk focusing on the spiritual dimensions of the teachings of the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas. Aquinas’ writings reveal a man who found God in all things, lived a God-centered life, experienced Triune Love, and was animated by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. After […]

Make Sandwiches for the New York Common Pantry

Wallace Hall 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Following the 11 AM Masses Join the Family Ministry, Ignatian Social Justice, and Ignatian Young Adults ministries to make sandwiches for the New York Common Pantry that will be handed out to food insecure neighbors in Harlem. Please donate granola bars or small juice boxes to pack in the lunch bags. St. Ignatius will provide whole […]

The Ultimate (Catholic!) Insider’s Guide to the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Wallace Hall 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

All parishioners and their guests are invited to join us for an inspiring journey through the past 5000 years of humanity's search for God through art, led by authors Steve and Evelyn Auth, who—over the past decade—have led art lovers on their unique faith-based tour of 65 masterpieces on display at The Metropolitan Museum of […]

Ignatian Young Adults: Wine & Cheese Social

Wallace Hall 980 Park Avenue, New York, NY, United States

St. Ignatius Loyola Young Adults is a community for 20 to 30-year-olds who seek companionship and conversation to deepen their Ignatian spirituality and to find God in all things. Join us in Wallace Hall for wine & cheese, following the 5:30 PM Mass.