ISJ Essay: Season of Creation Mass

Sep 21, 2023

As a part and in celebration of the Season of Creation, which is held from September 1st—the World Day of Prayer—to October 4th—the Feast of St.Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of Ecology—a special 5:30 PM Mass was celebrated on Saturday, September 9th here at St. Ignatius Loyola. The Mass—co-sponsored by our parish, the Archdiocese of New York, and the Metro NY Catholic Climate Movement—was concelebrated by Fr. Brian McWeeny of the Archdiocese and Fr. Yesalonia, with lectors and Eucharistic Ministers from various parishes including our own. Some of the prayers and reflections of the liturgy offered particular considerations of God’s original blessing and gift in all of God’s creation.

A reception was held in Wallace Hall for those in attendance following the Mass. It was an enlivening and enriching gathering of people of faith from various parishes whose Reverencing of God in Creation has some influence on their prayer and community involvement. It was most appreciated to have leadership staff of the worldwide Laudato Si’ Movement at the Mass and reception, in particular Christina Leano, the Executive Associate Director, and Erin Lothes, who heads the Animator Training. Those present were privileged to hear both speak briefly. As part of what was expressed, they noted that their work at the Laudato Si’ Movement has been an experience of sharing and spreading the Holy Spirit in caring for Creation with Catholics throughout the world. A wealth of interesting information can be found on the Laudato Si’ Movement website.

As a parish, with the upcoming release of the parish’s Implementation Plan in the fall, we look forward to furthering our liturgical celebrations, practical actions, and relevant programs that relate to the particular mission statement theme of Reverencing God in the Wonder of Creation.

— Nicholas Naccari