Canticum Sacrum
Michael Sheetz
Meeting Time: Sundays, 6-7 PM
Canticum Sacrum is a choir of intermediate to advanced level adult avocational singers with the goal of enriching shared musical understanding and growth. We are a 16-20 member chamber chorus that ministers weekly to the Sunday evening 7:30 PM Mass in a blend of classical and contemporary styles.
Stylistic interpretation and historical performance practices are explored through singing varied repertoire in diverse styles. Gregorian chant, medieval motets, Renaissance madrigals, classical masses, and other twenty and twenty-first-century sacred repertoire are explored in weekly Sunday evening rehearsals from 6-7 PM in the Church. We have participated in a performance of the J. S. Bach St. John Passion as well as a recently commissioned work in honor of the LGBT Catholics and Friends community, entitled “For God Alone My Soul Waits in Silence” by emerging composer Tamara McLeod.
All interested singers are encouraged to audition.
For more information, contact [email protected].