Eucharist allows us to participate more deeply in the Paschal Mystery, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, inviting us to conform our lives to Christ’s.
Just as Christ gave himself on the cross to save humanity from sin, we, as Eucharistic Ministers give generously of ourselves to serve all those who come to the table of God’s love.
Eucharistic Ministers must be Catholic, baptized, and confirmed. They distribute the body or blood of Jesus during Mass: Saturday Evening Vigil, 5:30 pm and Sundays at 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am, and 7:30 pm.
Training and commissioning are important steps necessary to become a Eucharistic Minister can be found here.
Please contact Fr. Mark Hallinan, SJ, at [email protected] or 212-288-3588 x601 for more information about serving in this ministry.