Family Ministry

Family Ministry

Committee Chairs:

Holly Curp and Emily Keappock Lowe


Jean Santropatre, Pastoral Associate

Meeting Times:

6 PM, first Monday of the month, via Zoom

The Family Ministry’s mission is to strengthen our faith community through participation in the sacraments, prayer, special events, and service. Join in potluck dinners, sandwich making for the New York Common Pantry, Care of Creation children’s events, Festival Masses, Wallace Hall Family Masses, holiday events for children, and more.

Learning to Pray the Examen

Presented by Jean Santopatre, Pastoral Associate for Ignatian Social Justice, Ignatian Young Adults and Family Ministry


Jean gives a brief overview of the history of the Examen, ideas on how to implement it in your own life, and creative ways to teach its basic principles to your children.

Learning to Pray the Examen: Closing Prayer